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Computer Question Bank
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Following IC chip integrates 100 thousands electronic components per chip
  1. SSI
  2. MSI
  3. LSI
  4. VLSI

Q2. Ms Access: In access, this displays the results of a calculation in a query

  1. Lookup field
  2. Calculated field
  3. Source field
  4. Child field
Correct Answer

Q3. What is the extension of font file?

  1. .ttf
  2. .mdb
  3. .fft
  4. .txt
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Word: What is the default font size of a new Word document based on Normal template in Word 2003?

  1. 10 pt
  2. 12 pt
  3. 14 pt
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q5. Which file system DOS typically use?

  1. FAT 16
  2. FAT 32
  3. NTFS
  4. LMFS
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: In the Relationship window, related fields from each table are connected by a(n) _______________.

  1. default field
  2. linking tables
  3. index
  4. join line
Correct Answer

Q7. Can you tell what passes into and out from the computer via its ports?

  1. Data
  2. Bytes
  3. Graphics
  4. Pictures Computer Fundamentals Download will be available under ‘Downloads’ menu.
Correct Answer

Q8. ______ is most often done after fixing a problem, adding a new program or making configuration change

  1. Shut Down
  2. Restart
  3. Sleep
  4. Hibernate
Correct Answer

Q9. What is the latest write-once optical storage media?

  1. Digital paper
  2. Magneto-optical disk
  3. WORM disk
  4. CD-ROM disk
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following is correct acronym of VGA?

  1. Video Graphics Array
  2. Visual Graphics Array
  3. Volatile Graphics Array
  4. Video Graphics Adapter
Correct Answer

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